Shamanic Healing

with Wisdom House

I practice Core Shamanism.

My service is to the souls and well-being of my clients. I am dedicated to exploring with clients the causes they bring for healing, to support and accompany them on their journey, to empower them to become more fully themselves and fully alive. Shamanic healing works well with the effects of trauma, childhood wounding, and ancestral lineage issues. It greatly supports and enables the changing of habits and life-long patterns from addiction to relationships to self-image.  


Shaman is a word believed to be derived from the Siberian Tungusic and Evenki peoples. It means roughly “one who knows,” or “tribal healer.”  It was brought to the Western world by the Dutch explorer Nicolaes Witsen who published his account of traveling among the indigenous peoples of Siberia in 1692. Shamanism has been practiced across cultures, from the Arctic to the tip of Patagonia, from the aboriginal peoples of Australia to tribal Africa. Indigenous people used their shamanic traditions to heal the bodies, minds and spirits of their patients and their communities.  Shamans have been known as many things: Medicine man or woman, witch doctor, druid, wise woman, curandero, but our modern culture calls them all shamans. The earliest undisputed evidence of shamans and shamanic practices dates back to the Upper Paleolithic Era (c. 30,000 BCE) in the Czech  Republic. 

In 1961 a young anthropologist named Michael Harner was studying in South America. In his desire to truly understand the culture of the Conibo Indians of the Peruvian Amazon he agreed to participate in an experience that initiated him into their spiritual world view: a view they live by. It changed him profoundly. He returned to South America three years later and began to study shamans of other tribes in earnest. Harner spent the rest of his life learning and practicing shamanic techniques with healers across the globe. He discovered that the tenets of the shamanic practice are basically the same throughout the world, although each culture has its own nuances and traditions. He distilled and taught his Core Shamanism to many in the Western world, and opened the door for non-indigenous people to access the profound healing available through it. He also found many people wanting to embrace the Path of the Shaman, an undertaking and training that enriches and deepens the connection to the soul/spirit inherent in all life.  


A shamanic practitioner is a person who is of service. They bring healing and “whole-ing” to their clients/patients, their tribe or community, and the natural world. They are trained to move between this rational realm and the world of spirit, or non-linear reality. I think of it as working in another part of the multiverse. 

Shamanic practitioners ask and receive guidance that will restore balance or what has been lost to their clients. Many shamans receive their call to this work by dealing with their own wounds or illness. This is the same way indigenous shamans are called into tribal service. 

I practice Core Shamanism. I use the techniques and traditions that were freely given to Mr. Harner, by the peoples who originated them, and then to me, by my own teachers and mentors. I greatly cherish this knowledge. I fully acknowledge my debt, my gratitude and respect to the peoples to whom these traditions belong. I am currently discovering Celtic shamanism: the healing traditions of my own ancestors. 

My service is to the soul and well-being of my clients. I am dedicated to exploring with them the causes they bring for healing, to support and accompany them on their journey, to empower them to become more fully themselves and fully alive. 

Shamanic healing works well with the effects of trauma, childhood wounding, and ancestral lineage issues.  It greatly supports and enables the changing of habits and life-long patterns from addiction to relationships to self-image.  This work touches the biographical, mental, Spiritual, and emotional aspects of our being. It can be a subtle shift to a profound experience. I welcome your questions and your quest for wholeness.

I offer shamanic healing in these forms:


Power Animal or Animal Guide Retrieval

Shamans believe that when you came to this life, part of your soul remained in the spirit world to help you along the way. Much like guardian angels, Power Animals help to protect and guide us. Unlike our guardian angels, our Power Animals are a part of ourselves. Receiving your Power Animal brings you strength, wholeness, and skills you need to help you navigate your life’s path. Many people have an attraction to an animal who just seems to inspire them. Often times, that animal turns out to be your Power Animal or one of your animal guides. This work can take about 1 hour. It can be done in person, over the phone, or over Zoom.


Shamanic Healing and Counseling

I also offer shamanic healing as a therapeutic or counseling journey. These sessions are designed to explore and address the issues that you desire to change or heal. The session can run from 1 to 1.5 hours. Usually, there are several sessions or ongoing treatment. 


Soul Retrieval

During our lives we experience difficult or traumatic events, leaving a mark on us. Shamans believe a part of our soul leaves to preserve itself during these times. In calling these parts back, we gain the gifts and abilities they hold and become whole. We begin to shift and live our lives as our authentic selves. This is work that takes some preparation to do, and to receive. Usually, there are several sessions to acknowledge what needs healing and to explore the impact of the wound on ourselves.  I encourage you to contact me so we can discuss this process, and see what the best fit is for you. 



Shamanic Healing Sessions are $55.00 an hour. I do offer a sliding scale to those who need it. Please contact me and we will discuss the situation.


Life Happens

All cancellations and rescheduling must be done 4 days prior to your appointment. Cancellations less than 4 days prior will result in a charge of $25.00 for the time reserved. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact me so we can find a resolution.