Welcome to Wisdom House,
a place for Body, Mind and Spirit.
As in the home of a friend you’ll find warm hospitality, comfortable furniture, the cupboards full, and the table generously laid.
The conversation is good, engaging, and sometimes deep.
There is a trust that supports the sharing of stories and souls, and the deep listening that nurtures and makes one feel heard and seen.
In our work together you’ll find new vistas and possibilities, fresh understandings, and insights that leave a light in your eyes that lingers. Wisdom House is found at the intersection of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
I hope you’ll stop in. I look forward to seeing you.
I practice Evolutionary Astrology. I am dedicated to cultivating self-knowledge and your growth through my work. To me, your chart is your perfect recipe for a rich and satisfying life.
My service is to the souls and well-being of my clients. I am dedicated to exploring with clients the causes they bring for healing, to support and accompany them on their journey, to empower them to become more fully themselves and fully alive. I practice Core Shamanism, using universal methods for claiming and healing the soul.
Forest bathing is simple and easy to experience. Listen to the land, to the whisper of the water and wind, the scent of the meadows, and call of the crow. They speak to a deep and instinctive part of us, and we automatically align with the peace of nature.
Connect & Explore
Are you ready to explore? Join us at Wisdom House to uncover more.